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Determined to prove themselves to the state, the BloomingtonSouth football team had a breakthrough season. Going 11-0 inthe regular season was possible with the adamant leadershipof junior Thomas Richardson and seniors Hunter Warthanand Jeb Drew. With Coach Moriartys return, the teamtrampled their way through sectionals and in-town rivalBloomington North and now look to continue their legacy in theseasons to come, coming off of their sectional championship.PHOTO BY EMILY ARVINPHOTO BY SARAH PAYNEThe Bloomington South Girls golf team surpassedexpectations, ending their season placing seventh instate. Seniors Cherise Otter, Emma Fisher, andCydney Bomba finished the season strong as All-Conference Winners. Overall, the girls squad finished asconference champions and ended the regular season byfinishing first in six different matches.Otter had a standout performance as the state runner-up.The boys varsity tennis teamperformed well in their 2015season, finishing it off with a recordof 11 wins and only three losses.Senior captains William Piekarskyand Matthew Zelenin led theteam in making huge plays on thecourt. Consistent performancesfrom junior Luke Jager and seniorConrad Schlegel. On top of theteams great record, they finishedsecond place in conference with arecord of 5-1.The Boys and Girls XC teams showed theywere layered with talent this year. After theEarly Bird Invitational, the regular season wasjust short of a breeze as both the boys andgirls placed top three at the county,sectionals, regionals and semi-state meets.In the end, the boys placed twenty-first led bytop runners senior Evan Franklin and juniorDawson Hood, and the girls placedeighteenth, led by sophomore MadisonMcMullen and senior Macy Evans.U!ePHOTO BY EMILY ARVIN |
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Bloomington High School South |
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