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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2017, Page 118

Description: GRADUATIONAs seniors prepared to move on fromBloomington South they reminisced about thelessons they have learned throughout their highschool career and shared their future plans.High school is an important time in everyones life. It is the time when studentsbecome adults, and they learn about the world and themselves. It is a time toexplore the world around them and make new friends. It is a time to test the limitsof freedom and enjoy the flexibility of life. Bloomington High School Souths 2017senior class prepares to exit this time in their life and take the plunge into theunknown. Many South seniors have chosen to continue their schooling after highschool and attend either a two-year or a four-year university.Many seniors from South have decided to continue their education inBloomington at Indiana University. Senior Celine Aslinia, salutatorian, isplanning to become a neuroscience major at IU. For the past couple of years,Aslinia has been taking courses at IU in order to enrich her high school education.Due to Aslinias heavy course load she is only one credit away from a mathminor, however, she also intends to get another minor in French or Music,Aslinia explained.Although many seniors have decided to stay in Bloomington and at IndianaUniversity, there are many students that have decided to move beyondBloomington and attend school elsewhere. Senior Hannah Kunzman will beattending Standford University in the fall. I plan to study English, history andpolitical science, said Kunzman. Kunzman is most excited for late nightconversations with other students and is excited to hear what [her fellowclassmates have to say about everything from the books [they] will be reading inclass.Another route that many students have chosen to after high school is to takea gap year between their senior year of high school and freshman year of college.Senior Estelle Henke decided to take a gap year and move to Madison,Wisconsin. While there are many exciting things about leaving high school,Henke is most excited for the independence that comes with being on [her] own.Even though heading off into the next chapter of life is exciting, Southseniors have had many memorable experiences and have learned many valuablelessons from their time at South. Senior Lukas Cavar thought that the greatestthing [he] learned at South was to not take [himself] too seriously. Other seniors,such as Kunzman, felt they learned not everything had to be perfect. The greatestlesson I learned in high school is to not be afraid of failure, said Kunzman, Icame to South with a perfectionist attitude and have since learned that perfectionisnt always attainable or even ideal.Overall, high school is a time for students to grow and learn. As everyonecontinues with new stages in life, it is nice to take the time and look back andreflect on the four years of high school. This years senior class has learned lessonsand made memories that will last a life time.- CLANCY LYLES1181 Academics ! AN ERUPTION OCCURS AT MOUNT ETNA ON THE ISLAND OF SICILY 3/161 FLOODING IN PERU FORCES MANY■
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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