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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2017, Page 95

Description: WINNING STREAKThe dance team shares their thoughts on theirperformances during competitions.While the dance team has excelled all the winning streak the team was ableseason, the Jasper Invitational was truly to accomplish during the season,their time to shine. The team placed Senior Kristen Taylor said that she feltfirst in pom, hip-hop, and large proud of the work the team had done,ensemble and second in jazz. This especially regarding how competitivedramatic victory was not based on luck, some of the other teams were. As abut it was determined by practice, senior, Taylor has taken on a lot moredetermination, and teamwork. of the responsibilities along withSince the team secured wins in others. Im definitely more of a leaderalmost every competition they danced this year, Taylor said, I have to makein this season - from placing first in sure everyone knows whats going onpom and hip-hop at Green Central to during practices and competitions.going undefeated in large ensemble - This year has been a journey forthe dancers had a lot to be proud of. the older members since the sport hasJunior Katherine Powers said that changed drastically since they started aevery win is memorable, and its nice few years ago. Weve been doing a lotfor the group to see their hard work more extra practices that have beenpay off. This was especially important paying off a lot said Powers. Theseto the freshmen, whose high school practices are divided so dancers canexperience has been greatly influenced focus on each routine separately,by the team. which helps polish and perfect each ofIt was vital for the group to work them,together and be comfortable around This especially had an impact oneach other in order for the dances to large ensemble, which wentcome across cohesive and graceful, undefeated in the regular season.Just being friends with everyone Ensemble is different than the otherboosts my confidence while dances because it consists of only sixperforming, freshman Katelin Apple people and is a more contemporarysaid. Confidence is a major key to the routine. Apple said that ensemble isteams winning record, and the unique because there is more partner-members of the team were able to based choreography and moreconsistently maintain it. Being my first simplistic costumes,year on a competitive team, it feels The dancers have a lot to begood to be rewarded for my hard proud of this season. Not only did theywork, Apple said. place in all of their competitions, butAdditionally, the confidence from they persevered during long, strenuousthe underclassmen also affects the practices throughout the school year,older members of the team. Powers Although winning is every teams goal,said that it is exciting to see [the the dancers true accomplishmentfreshmen] feel good about themselves Powers said, [was creating a] strongand the performance that they gave. bond as teammates and as friends.The upperclassmen were also proud of -SARAH BROWNMIXING SCIENCEWITH THE ARTSJAN. 17,2017Woodland Elementary School inMansfield, Ohio is combiningdance and academicsthroughout January. The schoolhired Tom Evert, a self-describedDance Man to teach thestudents weather through dancein an attempt to integrate thearts into the classroom. Evertsgoal of the program is to helpaccommodate the diverselearning needs of studentsthrough his curriculum.It is definitely an interestingand unusual way of teaching,but if it gets students involved inthe arts and dance then itsounds like a success. I think itwould be an effective way ofteaching the subject.JUNIORCAITLIN LEWISI think this program is a greatidea in order to make dance aclassroom activity. I think itwould help people start dancingand maybe even considerpursuing it as a sport. FRESHMANELLIE RHODESIMMIGRANTS STAYED HOME FROM WORK IN PROTEST 2/16 DONALD TRUMP FORMS HIS CABINET 2/16Athletics 195
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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