Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2014, Page 118

Description: A cohesive team in high school golf is as vital to success as theclubs themselves, and the Bloomington South boys knew the golfers way of success.Confidence and dedication were in farfrom short supply, new leadershipnotwithstanding. [I hope for] the teamIn the early morning dew stood theBloomington High School South boysgolf team in silence, preparing for thegame ahead. One by one, the playerspeel off to begin, knowing their team iscounting on each, quietly rooting fortheir teammates. With confidence andelegance, the first swing is as clean ascould be.Regardless of time or of weather,the scene became one familiar to theboys golf team during their 2014season. Stepping forward as theupperclassmen of the team, the juniorsknew that they had only two moreyears to accomplish something great.Everyone was saying that everythingis building towards next year, wherethey thought we would make our mark,but [the other juniors and myself]thought — why not now? said juniorSamuel Karcher.The team may have been young,but it appears that nothing could standto win Sectionals and hopefully make itpast Regionals, admitted number oneplayer and freshman Joseph Weiler,but if the team doesnt make it, I amhoping that I qualify for the StateTournament. The boys faith inthemselves and in each other waswarranted by talent and hard work.Lacking an experienced base ofleadership in upperclassmen, the boysneeded each others support tosucceed. According to sophomoreNicholas Burris, one of the biggeststrengths of the team is that we all cancontribute. With each player bringingsomething unique to the course, thestrength of the team soared.As difficult as the sport may be,based on the promise shown by theboys golf team during the 2014season, their drives have nowhere to*&*vrbutup, up and away.■ HALLIE PEDERSEN
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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