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just keepFreshman Hannah Kunzman stands at the edgeof the block before her race on December 10 againstEdgewood High School. Even as an underclassmanKunzman made valuable contributions during the season.Sophomore Jocelyn Kuh treads water whilewarming up before her race. Because Bloomington Southswimmers swim so quickly it always appeared that theiropposition was treading water also. SeniorBrennan Woodward gets ready to perform his dive at themeet against Edgewood. Woodwards performance thisyear made a lasting impact on the South swimmingcommunity. Sophomore Maggie Gates flipsthrough the air, trying to land in the water with as little of asplash as possible. The divers this year were verysuccessful, gaining many points with their skilled dives.Sophomore Kyle Massengale looks toward his lane,waiting for the starter to sound the gun and start the race.Massengale shaved his head hair along with otherteammates to achieve an aerodynamic effect during thepost season. PHOTOS BY HALLIE PEDERSENFor Bloomington South swimmers and divers, speed was second nature. ccwtiire theFast! Fast! Fast! Thats all BloomingtonSouth swimmers and divers could sayabout the riveting season of competition.Not only did both the girls and boyscompete with heart and ability, the teamsworked for a common goal: to keepimproving each practice, day after dayand practice made perfect, as theiraccomplishments this season werefrequent and impressive. Several Southswimmers were All-Conference winners intheir respective events, including seniorsNicholas Wonder, Ian Finnerty andDaniel Hepfer, and freshmen MatthewJerden and Celina German. JuniorCourtney McKeen, South diver, earnedthe same honor.For many swimmers and divers thisseason was unlike any other. McKeensaid the highlight of her past season wasbreaking the sectional record. It hasntbeen broken for a long time. I wassurprised and excited; it made me wantto work harder.Wonder also spoke proudly of histeams accomplishments, revealing thatthey placed second in the 200 medleyrelay at the State meet. It was reallyunexpected and awesome. Finnertyfound the highlight of his season to be thejoy of watching the younger members ofthe team excel. It was great seeing theyounger guys improve.Each swimmer and diver madeteamwork a priority; every athletewanted to ensure the effort and successof their teammates. Of course having funwas a priority too. McKeen referred toher team as one big family. The seasonoverall was a success, and Finnertyexplained it best when he stated therewas a lot of improvement and greatleadership. All in all, the Southswimming and diving teams hadswimmingly strong seasons.-MEGAN SHISHMANUMM.M*M*UMMlMere seconds away from racing through the cold water, manyswimmers mentally prepared. Senior Daniel Hepfer revealed that hispre-race routine included taking stock of the competition. I lookaround me and say to myself, I better beat these guys. ConfidenceI is key in swimming and diving, and this year the boys and girlsteams had it in spades. Momentum carried them off of the blocksand the diving boards and onto the podium. Impressive finishes atState from both the girls and the guys revealed the intensity withwhich the team gathered momentum during their many earlymorning practices. Akin to fish, the water was the most comfortableplace for these great Bloomington South athletes.76 ACCELERATION |
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Bloomington High School South |
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