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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2015, Page 124

Description: n RUNNING CoThe Bloomington High School South Girls Basketball team made it atradition to team up to run in the Jill Berhman 5K. Coming together as agroup to participate in a great cause, these girls get caked with colored dust.On the morning of October 25, Bloomington resident who wentfifteen of Bloomington High SchoolSouths varsity girls basketballplayers huddled together, amongthousands of eager others, tocontribute to something even morevaluable than their team bond.The anticipation began to build aspeople lined up to run in the 3.1-mile race, held in honor of JillBehrman, on Indiana Universityscampus. The girls were used tofacing challenges together on andoff the court, and this time was noexception. The team was morethan ready to take on this coloredcornstarch fun.The memorable run startedoff with a pre-race dance andZumba party to get theparticipants pumped and set apositive vibe. Once the runnerswere off, they experience threedifferent color zones, where theywere bombarded with variouscolored cornstarch bombs alongtheir route. This upbeat, light-hearted race benefited the JillBehrman Emerging LeaderScholarship and honored themissing on March 31, 2000.The girls basketball teamhas been supporters of the JillBehrman Color Run for manyyears. Senior Morgan Bivins,fourth-year participant in the 5K,experienced nothing but fun andwas ready to run it with [her]team. For sophomores AbigailEads and Marina Blackwell,they loved seeing so many peoplecome out for a great cause.The team used the event toraise awareness, as well as a timeto strengthen their team bond. Theupperclassmen were afforded anopportunity to set a strongexample for their youngerteammates, and all of the girlsinvolved themselves in thecommunity. Young players likeEads and Blackwell used the raceas a pre-season training run toprepare for their games. ForBivins, this was her final run - acolorful memory sure to remainwith her.-JAYLA LEVERENZfall in love with B-Town. The South Girls Basketball team joins together after running in the JillBehrman 5K. Participating in the run has become a team tradition. II. Seniorplayers Rachel Towell and Morgan Bivins stand together after the 5k. Thiswill be the fourth year that the girls have played together. III. Gettingtogether for a great cause and building up team moral at the same time hasbecome a five-year tradition for the team. IV. After running the 5K andbeing covered in colored dust, the team celebrates a day well spent. Theteam was already to continue the tradition next year, and they are lookingforward to being covered in color dust again. PHOTOS COURTESY OFRACHEL TOWELLWith a fall chill in the air, there are plenty of activities to partakein on the weekends. Check all that apply.<ftm UPlay in a pile of leavesAttend a bonfireDrink hot apple ciderMake caramel applesWatch Hocus PocusHike in Brown CountyGo through a corn maze3 Go to a haunted houseAttend an IU football gamel1 Go on a hayrideHave a scary movie marathonWatch all of theHalloweentown movies124 STUDENT LIFE
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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