Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2015, Page 123

Description: Fall BreakersTwo seniors shared their stories from fall break. Onetraveled west, the other south, but despite the region, theyboth had a blast.Traveling across regions, senior Taylor Peterson visitedUniversity of Arizona during fall break. Having been a potentialcollege for Peterson, the trip was bound to happen at somepoint, so she planned it for the week-long vacation. Petersonvisitied the college with a close eye on the school of education.The atmosphere is awesome, Peterson said. She thoughthighly of the educational aspect and was equally impressedwith the sporting events. It is so much different than going toan IU game, Peterson said. It seems like everyone goes outto the games. She attended a Sundevil football game toscope out the excitement and the cheerleading, also an areaof interest for Peterson.Despite the beautiful campus and contagiousenthusiasm, Peterson said University of Arizona is not for her.Her heart was set on the University of Florida. I would ratherhave gone [to Arizona] and known it wasnt for me instead ofnot knowing, Peterson said of the trip. Overall, Petersonsbreak was well-spent in the dry heat of Arizona amisdtthousands of cheering Sundevil fans.- BAILEY BOLERyget outWhere did you go/ what did youdo for fall break?w • / went on a cruise tothe Bahamas where Isnorkeled in theAtlantic. It was reallycool! }}-junior Nick Burris9 9l weni f0 an amazing ranchin Wyoming with my familyand we also went toYellowstone National Park.9y-freshman Kyle JanisSenior Alison Burt knows the feeling of being a part ofsomething bigger than just her. Burts cousin Scott has DownSyndrome, and she committed her fall break to walking andraising awareness for him. Burt traveled to Louisville, host cityof the annual Down Syndrome walk, which occurred onOctober 4 this year. I did the walk because I wanted to raiseawareness for the disease, Burt said. People think ifsomeone has Down Syndrome that they cant be a productivemember of society which is totally false. Scott bags groceriesat a local Kroger, and he couldnt be any happier.Burt did not travel alone. 30 of her closest familymembers attended in support for Scott. Whether it waschowing down on some food, watching entertaining dances orsinging, there was never a dull moment. There was so muchfood and performances by some of the people who wereaffected by Down syndrome, Burt said. It was trulyinspiring. Burt took part in the 5k run and returned to thecourse to her family who chose to walk instead. Having theopportunity to participate in this walk reminds me, and alsomy family, that were not alone, Burt said. We are a part ofsomething so much bigger than just us.-TONIPRINGLEYSTUDENT LIFE 123
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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