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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2015, Page 35

Description: in romomnrrnnnohFreshman Renan Buchan and several fellow Batchelor Television (B-TV) students traveled to Auschwitz concentration camp inPoland; with the CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center, they filmed a documentary about the horrors of theHolocaust.PHOTOS COURTESY RENAN BUCHANWhat did you see on yourtour of Auschwitz?[Auschwitz survivor Eva MozesKor] showed us the gas chambersd cabins...and the place where ar did tests on her and hersister...and the area whereid roll call.What happened during thecommemoration ceremony?The survivors each told the stories oftheir experiences and what they takefrom it. It was really cool whatthty had to say...Then we [the B-TVstudents] each got a candle and lit itand we said into the mic whatever wereputting [the candle] in memory of andt on Evas plaque.What was the purpose ofthe documentary that youhelped film?To show people what reallyhappened [in the Holocau&jand to stop the jokes atgjstereotypes about [iWhat did you take away ifrom the trip? \Everything that you read onliis true-all that and worse. [1Holocaust] was really horrjand terrifying...people neestop joking about ththings...when you joke absomething, it minimizeMrs. Teresa Tresslars Advanced Nutrition and Wellness class is famous for their cake baking skills. Each trimestera students create some incredible cakes; here are the different levels of difficulty pursued for each cake.Try to put the pan inthe middle shelf inthe center of theoven, so it cooks asevenly as possible.-junior Haley WitsmanBeat the flour as muchas you can in the mixingbowl for about fiveminutes until its lightand fluffy. Afterdumping the batter in,take a spatula andsmooth it out.-junior Haley WitsmanThere are caps you puton top of the pastry bagto make the icing comeout in a certain design;then you push down andsqueeze the icing out.-senior Cole McNeelyYou have to make sureyour icing is stiff. Thenyou get this littlewooden stick, and youput the icing on the stick.You then twirl the stickaround to make a loop.-junior Clare McConahay
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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