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Road 37 advertises theStarlite Drive-in movietheater, which reopened forthe summer on April 12. Abeloved Monroe Countyattraction, the drive-inoffered two movies andconcessions for a low fee.PHOTO BY HALLIE PEDERSENPeople wait in line toreceive their frozen treats atChocolate Moose, a localice creamery. With theweather warming up andsummer just around thecorner, the Moosereopened for the season onApril 12. PHOTO BY ROSEJOHNSONA sign welcomes racers andviewers to the BloomingtonSpeedway, which openedon April 19. Held everyFriday evening, the weeklyraces attracted people of allages that were eager to seeracers make laps aroundthe 1/4 mile track. PHOTOBYROSEJOHNSONmspirejing]SOUTHAn anonymous BloomingtonSouth student took a standagainst cyber-bullyingthroughout the year byspreading positive messagesover Twitter, using theaccount Inspire/At the beginning of August, social media site, Twitter,showed its dark side at South through the maliciousposts of a person on the account ©RumorHaslt. Theaccount, which was devoted to fearing downstudents and teachers, was quickly removed, but thedamage was already done for the individualssingled out over the Internet. One anonymous Southjunior, however, decided to take a stand through thedesignation of a new account, titled @lnspire#, withthe intent to counter the negativity. The postersfollowers received messages and shout-outs on roughdays, as well as general encouragement andcompliments at large. I did it because I believe thatthere is something beautiful and amazing aboutevery single person, and I want people to knowthat, explained Inspire. The friendly tweets keptstudents feeling positive throughout the school year.-HAILEY JACKSON |
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Bloomington High School South |
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