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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2013, Page 62

Description: growing, growing-Senior Todd Richardson grew out hisfacial hair for No Shave November.I guess itsjust a guything.I think I willdo it everyyear forawhile.Im going tomiss it when itcomes time toshave.TL.theTURKEYTo accommodate two different cultures, the Zhangfamily held two Thanksgiving celebrations — one onNovember 21 and the other on the actual holiday.While most Bloomingtonians spenttheir Thanksgiving feasting on thecustomary stuffing and turkey onNovember 22, senior Ting TingZhang and junior Jia RongZhang had a much more uniqueThanksgiving tradition.As owners of the localrestaurant Dragon Express, theirparents closed the establishmentearly on the Wednesday beforeThanksgiving each year to host aprivate celebration. Employees andfriends were invited to partake inthe many festivities. The dishesincluded authentic Chinese foodlike lobster, snails, and fish ballswith rice balls, Jia Rongexplained.Most of the conversation atthe feast took place in Chinese, afitting aspect in light of thetraditional Chinese cuisine. MyISsaa, IWTrlBifavorite part is theafterwards, Ting Ting said.However, the Zhang sistersdidnt miss out on the traditionalThanksgiving turkey. On themorning of November 24,extended family far and widecongregated and dined on moreconventional Thanksgiving fare.Unlike the night before, English wasthe predominant language duringthis meal, and the occasion wasless intimate.This unusual tradition was onecomfortably familiar to Ting Tingand Jia Rong. I enjoy both[celebrations] for differentreasons, Ting Ting said. Theres abalance. Just as the Zhang sistersbalance both Chinese andAmerican culture in their lives, theyare able to enjoy both cultures intheir Thanksgiving celebrations.- REBEKAH BURKHARTThe family of junior Taylor Jackson prepared a traditionalThanksgiving feast to celebrate tbedioliday on November 26.PHOTO BY HAILEY JACKSON4. Freshman Catherine Biancostrikes a pose at the end of TheNutcracker, presented by IndianaUniversity Ballet. A participant inthe IU Pre-College Balletprogram, Bianco danced the roleof a Trepak, along with severalother dancers. [The Nutcracker]is always a great experience forme. Bianco said. Its so great tobe able to dance with my friends,because we always enjoy it. Its alot of work, but its always reallyfun. 5. Bianco and a fellowdancer take a break to hear fromthe ballet director, MichaelVernon, during dress rehearsal.Biancos first performance waslater that week on December 1.PHOTOS BY ISABEL CULLATHERL-W
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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