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HIT THEreaui redbooksBloomington South students give their opinions ofthe mandatory reading in their English classes.Name: Jacob GilletteClass: English 9-1Book: UnwindAuthor: Neal ShustermanIt was pretty good. I liked thecharacters.Name:Jace Black-SpearingClass: English 10-1 HDBook: GilgameshAuthor: An unknown author inAncient MesopotamiaIts a great learning tool for peoplethat are interested in history.Name: Austyn BearschClass: English 1 1-1Book: Slaughterhouse-FiveAuthor: Kurt Vonnegutthought it was confusing andweird.Name: Dohhyun KimClass: AP Literature & CompositionBook: Heart of DarknessAuthor: Joseph ConradIt was interesting because I got toread about Imperialism.1. Junior Padraig Lysandrou operates the radio equipmentwhile talking to another HAM Radio club. The club useddonations and grants to pay for a new, state-of-the-artantenna. 2. Junior Jonathan McNeil attempts to makecontact with another competitor during the week-long HAMRadio competition. With McNeils help, the Panthers finishedin a strong second place. 3. Push pins display all of thelocations contacted by the HAM Radio Club around theworld. Antarctica and the Canary Islands were recentadditions to the board. PHOTOS BY QUINTON MCNEILJunior Charlene Sapalserves herself a plate ofpancakes, French toast andbacon during Mr. PhilKluesners 1st period APU.S. History class onOctober 12. The studentspitched in all the food forthe breakfast. PHOTO BYJAMES TANFORDOn October 15, HarryPotter Club assigned eachmember to a specific house,mimicking the famoussorting ritual in the story.Senior Dominick Thompsonwas assigned to the Houseof Gryffindor. PHOTO BYELEANORE FUQUAJunior Kathleen Heeter, andsophomores KaseyColeman and CodyLopardo enjoy a slice ofbirthday cake during a BestBuddies surprise birthdayparty on October 1 8. Theevent was hosted bysophomore Lane Cohen.PHOTO BY LUCILLE POWERSSenior Maureen Mitchelland junior Devin Mayparticipate in an improvsession in Ms. CatharineRademachers Panther Pluson October 25. A studentfrom Indiana Universitycoached participantsthrough various games.PHOTO BY LUCILLE POWERSactivities!! |
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Bloomington High School South |
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