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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2007, Page 2

Description: New Year ^Celebrates 1ouths TraditionsWhen we walked into Bloomington High School South at the beginning ofthe 2006-2007 school year, none of us knew what was in store. What we did knowwas that this year would be special and different from every other simply because wewere all a part of it. The seniors started the year with their heads held high, confidentin their knowledge of the working of the world and the traditions of South, while 448new students wandered the crowded hallways for the first time.Although this year was full of new experiences and first times, there weremany traditions that continued from decades passed. The yearbook staff recognizedthis connection with the past through our theme, Everything Old Is New. It is thebalance between traditions and new experiences that makes South so special.Traditions that we all recognized were the familiar sound of jugs at thefootball games, and the familiar faces of teachers educating us throughout the year.The tradition of excellence in academics, athletics, and other achievements continuedthis year, and South stood out in every area yet again. Through these traditions, we allcame together during the toughest parts of the year, and we cheered together duringthose times of celebration and triumph.One of these moments of celebration was this years Superbowl despite thefact that the school was divided in its support for the teams. Many of us backed theChicago Bears, the team led by Bloomingtons own Rex Grossman. Sophomore Alexandria Ballard said her favorite part of the celebrations was when, I made my Bearssnowman.Others, however, favored the in-state team, the Indianapolis Colts. I wasrooting for the Colts because I am definitely not a Chicago Bears fan, said juniorNikolaj Knapowski. My whole extended family are Bears fans. They were going crazyafter the Devon Hester play. Even though the Bears scored, it was a great play, hesaid.Although there was teasing in the hallways, Ballard commented, Its alwayshealthy to have a little competition. Regardless of the division, we all relished theexciting celebrations and parties that came during and after the intense Superbowlconflict.Along with these fun times, we also shared sorrow and tragedy this year.Some of those losses were personal tragedies such as a loved ones death. Others wereworldlier events, such as the horror of Virginia Tech, which made all of us questionthe safety of our country. Also, students were shocked and grieved to hear about thedeath of Wade Steffey, a South alumnus and a student of Purdue University. He wentmissing for several months before his body was discovered on the campus. Formercommunity members and South alumni returned to Bloomington to mourn the tragedy and attend the funeral.Even with these losses in our community and country, South remained a safeand educational environment for us to expand our knowledge of the world outside.We came together, not as separate classes, but as a unified school.Together, we tookthe traditions we all know well and made them new and unique.To us, everything that was old, was still new.Opening C•OPp\Zj^>J Opening
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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