Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2004, Page 240

Description: xmi...As the year was corning to a close, students experienced a Utter-sweet spring withthe passing of two South students: senior Dibn Gauthey and sophomore ]areiQ&ilen. upon returning from spring heak, scheMes kcame more and moredemanding, juniors were subjected to new standardized testing to earn theirdiplomas, underclassmen heard the dissapointing news that early release would nolonger he an option. Theatre South produced a well-rehersed comdey show asI vimmlIiMlVimVLYmikV/MinlitmlimFinale Concert, in an attempt to warn students about the dangers ofdrinkng anddriving, the Bloomington volice Department, Bloomington Hospital AmbulanceService, Bloomington Tire Department, Indiana State Volice, life LineMrTransport,Theatre South, and South adminstration sponsored a mock car crash in front ofschool to promote safe khavior and good decision making. The event seemed to payoff after the Junior sponsored Red Carpet Romance prom was a safe success.Varsity Baselall team hegan with a shaky start, the team really wor\ed togetherso, lookinear wasfull ofeXciting events and hard times. Many students hoped for the later than usuala time oa time oj celebration, m also a time oj rejection ana closure. At the em oj the year,students found themselves wiser from the experiences the year had provided andready to step out into the real world...
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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