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■ ■—532!•%■.igufxr •}i ^MK1. xS^WLimitmmWf^^(Left) Cleaning out hisear, Assistant PrincipalJay True recovers afterbeing pied in a fundraiserfor Freshman AdvisoryBoard.(Below) Playing againstNorth junior Dan Halluskadives into first baseduring a Varsity game.^\1■-. «tm I%^■r £d-«, . «* . .■*_1 1■ » , .... », i a^iiinu^.•\JL—-----i.iHHHJOT*5(Far left) Junior OrianeRobison feigns injury asa police officerquestions senior DanTresslar during a mockdrunk driving car crash.*(Left) 5ophomore MeganPayton goes up for alayup as her opponenttries to guard her.(Far Left) Drawing on thechalk board, senior AaronCampbell takes a break inMrs.CatherineRademachers theatreclass.«(Left) Senior Joby Wrightresponds to his familysrequest to strike a poseafter receiving hisdiploma.Closing 239 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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