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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2004, Page 201

Description: }SmmOA.Jl UA.G>mt~££ 4 W <?CrSL*j£j£Sophomore Michael Ratliff Senior Stormie Foustcritiques the latest copyof the Optimist withjuniors Adam Claerbout,Diana Holden and MattTucci. (Left)writes a draft of herspeech. Members ofSpeech and Debate metduring SRT to prepare forcompetitions. (Below)Story by Zach HartQuill and Scroll, Speech and Debate, andthe Optimist are all activities that involvecommunication skills. Quill and Scroll is anhonor society for students involved in schoolpublications. To be accepted into Quill andScroll, students must be in the top third oftheir class and have contributed significantlyto a school publication.The Optimist put out ten issues includingan April Fools issue that contained a spoofstory on Pterodactyls. Nick Melloan-Ruizexpressed his feelings about the Optimist:The Optimist can be really stressful, butreally fun at the same time. The Optimist islike my track team, [or] my basketball team,and I love it. I would do anything for theOptimist short of killing someone.The Optimist and Speech and Debate gavestudents an awareness of current eventsaffecting them.Junior Esther Widlanskipractices her speech withsenior Stormie Foust andjuniors Oriane Robisonand Jonathan Baude.(Left)During class, sophomoreVeronica Corsaro makescorrections to a recentcopy of the Optimist. Thepaper came out everythree weeks. (Far Left)mmmmmWmmmmmmmmmmWkmmWhmWktitzvavy Clubs 201
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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