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biobinlthough Jesse Marks had onlyA been doing ballet for three years,Mm he worked hard to accomplishMm many feats and planned to attendthe San Francisco Ballet School,one of the best in the country.ared Fox has been heir to ay family tradition, as well as anIndiana tradition, by being afourth generation sprint cardriver. As a sponsored driver, Foxhad competed with and worked on racecars for many years.Q: What type of racing do you do?Q: What kind of activities are youinvolved in?A: I am in Indiana Universitys BalletTheater. I practice everyday from 11:30a.m. to 5:45 p.m. I also play the cellothrough Indiana University, and I used toplay with the school.S elBsW]JiarkStory by Tammy JarvisPhoto by Andy GohQ: How long have you done ballet?A: I have been dancing since my freshmanyear and with Indiana University sincesecond semester of my sophomore year.Q: Why did you decide to start doingballet?A: When I was five I started playing thecello and I have always loved acting. Ihave gone to many acting camps. I alsoplayed soccer. When you combine acting,music and athletics you get ballet. Itsjust a combination of my childhoodpassions.Q: As you are now graduating, whatschool have you decided on?A: I have been accepted to Yale, Harvardand Princeton. I would prefer to go toHarvard, but I am not planning on goingto school. I want to continue my balletcareer. If later on I want to go back toschool I can, butfor now I plan tocontinue doingballet.Q: What is themostchallengingpart of doingballet?A: Everydaycoming in withor withoutinjuries, sociological pressure andpushing your body to do something thatyou didnt know was possible. You alsohave to be able to separate different partsof your life to concentrate on dance.Teletron. This is our first season withthem.Q: Who introduced you to racing?A: I am a fourth generation racer so itsalways been in my family.Q: Who is your favorite driver?A: Jeff Gordon in Nascar. Hes not ascocky as mostS a p ruun o r ejdredroxdrivers, plus hecame up throughsprint cars likeme and alsocame fromIndiana, like me.thfoStory by Martha PaynePhoto by Brett WhiteA: Sprint cars. Its nothing like Nascar(which is what most people know). I buildthe cars with my dad and we have to orderour supplies. Its pretty expensivebuilding a sprint car. It is about the priceof a new car. You can earn it all back bywinning competitions and by gettingsponsored. This year were sponsored byQ; How longdoes the seasonlast ?A: The seasonlasts six monthsfrom early April to late October. My maingoal is to win a race in the sprint cardivision, because I moved up in mycompetition from last year.Q; On what level do you compete?A: Sprint cars (the cars that I drive) arethe highest competition level next to2Nascar. When it comes to levels ofcompetition, one thing leads to anotherand you just build your way up throughtime.Q:soA:W(co:traQ:yo186 Gothic march/april 2000 |
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Bloomington High School South |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.