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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2000, Page 125

Description: A V$y Id theS. ■ ■■ ■■■ ... .■:;:;:::.¥1111TVISTuesday Nov. I G, I 9996:45 a.m. I drag myself out of bed aroundthis time and drearily take a shower. Ittakes me about 15 minutes to do thewhole hair/makeup thing and get dressed.7:15 a.m. On this very rare occasion I sitdown to enjoy the most important meal ofthe day, which consists of a few cookiesand hot chocolate.7:40 a.m. My friend Mandy pulls up in herbeat up Volvo to take me to school. Sheslistening to the Deftones or some craplike that, so I have a headache before Ieven get to school.8 a.m. Physics, BLAH! I complete myhomework for the rest of the day.9:30 a.m. World history. In this class Isometimes play Tetris and make flowersout of paper, but today were watchingAladdin as it relates to Muslim history,so I pay close attention.11 a.m. Sounds of South. Today wereworking on Christmas music and eatingdonuts: a pleasant escape from thefrazzled life I lead.12 p.m. Just another day at lunch.Somebody is upset about this andsomeone else is upset about that. Myheadache comes creeping back.12:30 p.m. French. Although Mrs. Smithis the best, this class is loud andannoying. I just want to go to sleep.1:30 p.m. Photography. Today weremeeting in the library to research famousphotographers. I didnt do one ounce ofwork. Ill do it later.Goo-HodAmie GoodmanJeremy GoodmanJessica GreenChase GuthrieNatalie HaagNicole HaagJasen HallRobert HallMiranda HancockJosh HardenLaura HardyMichael HarmonChad HarrisJamie HartmanJohn HarveyJoseph HashAshley HawkinsHoni HayesTami HeatonRobert HedrickBrooke HelmsDustin HendersonMatt HendersonJoanna HendricksonDanny HenrichJoshua HerringLissa HersheyLizz HersheyMary HillSarah HillTyler HillAmelia HillikerIan HoaglandKasie HoaglandDelena HodgesSmiling, sophomore Naima Gardner talkswith her friends during lunch. Gardnerdivided her time between school, musiclessons and a part-time job at theUptown Cafe.2:30 p.m. Freedom! I go homeand hang out with my dog forabout five minutes before Ihave to go to work.3:30 p.m. I have to work today(at the Uptown Cafe) untilseven. It was pretty slow andpretty boring. I spilled ketchupall over my white shirt.7 p.m. I have a music lessonfrom seven until eight. This isthe highlight of my day so far. My teacherhas a dog named Mozart, who I absolutelyadore.8 p.m. I come home and watch a movie(The Thirteenth Floor) and hang out withmy dog.9:30 p.m. I start to work on this storythat youre reading and find it verydifficult to write about everything I do in aday, and I sadly realize how boring my daywas.10:15 p.m. Goodnight moon.Lizz HersheySophomores 125
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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