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reshman MattSexton rifles a pitchtoward home plate.Sexton led thefreshman team intotal innings pitchedand strikeouts.Looking the ball intohis glove, freshmanRicky Mellinger forcesthe runner out at first.Mellinger was thirdon the freshmanteam with four stolenbases.Photo courtesy of Kirkwood Photo LabJV Front Row: Clayton Packard, Adam Tucci, Travis Conder, Ben Halluska,Kevin Miller, Miles Johnson, Stephen Lettelleir, Zach Green. Back Row:Coach Kevin Gross, Coach Mike Garcia, Andrew Forrester, Charles Barlow,Derek McDaniel, Q Ward, Robert Morgan, Laramie Green, Isaac Simonelli,Coach Tony Dunbar.Adam BledsoeFreshman Front Row: Adam Claerbout, Peter Jackson, Dan Halluska,Mike Klein, Griffin Lock, Ryan Haag, Dustin Dillard. Back Row: CoachSteve Smith, Ricky Mellinger, Matt Sexton, Kyle Stancombe, Nick Bellamy,Tom Kovach, Jordan Flick.CD OWhen we beat Franklin Central, we gotoj Or;We didnt get to play a lot of gamesfawiTgs atiM5!i!iB5i»ii5iiMi liBawaKMsBglilfibecause of rain outs, and we lost two ofCD CDtie it in the sixth inning. Then in the■£ Eour best players because of grades.*-» CDCO -Cseventh, we stopped them with a closerO =5Overcoming those obstacles and stillplay at home plate, and then we scoredE cohaving a decent season made theS O4-»in the bottom of the inning to win thes§season one to remember.rC CDgame. It was a great game to be a partis-freshman Adam Claerboutof. -sophomore Charles Barlow112 GOTHIC* reflections |
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Bloomington High School South |
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