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I. One of the decorations created by the Junior AdvisoryBoard for the circus themed prom was a carousel. Thecarousel had lights inside that made it seem as though itwas moving. II. Newly crowned prom king and queen,juniors Jackson Hanchett and Zoe Berensztein. Thecrown was handed down from the former king and queenseniors Elizabeth Beggs and Samuel Monson. during thisyears prom. The handing off is a tradition that occursevery year. PHOTOS BY MAGGIE BUIA MEAL TOREMEMBERSouth students share where they went to eat before heading to prom.Students visited a variety of local restaurants including Finchs, Malibu Grill,DeAngelos, Casa Brava and many more; however, the majority of studentsate dinner at someones house.Our group of six decidedto go to Finchs becausewe thought it would bedifferent from the usualprom dinner choices.SENIORMADISONTHEILEMalibu was a nice placeto eat before prom. It waspretty crowded downtownat Malibu because of Litde5, but we had reservationsand got in quickly.JUNIORMALLOREYDAUNHAUEREating at a house beforeprom instead of going outgives a comfortable andfun atmosphere.JUNIOREMILYWITSMANIt was super awesomeeating at Noodles. Thereis something about eatingmac and cheese in a promdress that feels special.JUNIORBRYNNENEWLANDvmSOMEONES HOUSEmmFINCHSMALIBU GRILLmOTHER]COUUJQ_COCOz1121 Academics ! CYCLONE ENAWO BECOMES MOST POWERFUL STORM TO HIT MADAGASCAR IN 13 YEARS 3/7 POACHERS |
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Bloomington High School South |
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