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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1999, Page 121

Description: Out? ;| h e rEdgewood opponent,freshman Stevie Kinsersurges ahead in the 3200meter relay at Sectional.The team had only 26members.HUDDLEState CompetitorsEventscompetedinHow do you prepareto compete?How much previousexperience have youhad competing at thestate level?How well did youperform at State?seniorAmandaHorvathShot PutWhen Im in the ring,I always say the samething: Be a championtoday and Stay low,get across andexplode.sophomoreTashiJohnsonfreshmanJeanSchaffer100m and200mdashHighJumpI like to get allpepped up from peptalks with my coach.I was first there mysophomore year andwas really nervous.[This year] I felt morein control and hadmore confidencebecause I could relaxwhen I was up there.This was my firsttime making it toState.I was prettydisappointed with itactually. I was reallytrying to get second,and that had been mygoal .ill season. I knew Icould beat the girl whogot second. I mean thirdin State is prett\ good,but when youve had agoal all year, it is reallydisappointing whenyou dont get it.I always preparemyself the same way.I breathe a lot before Ijump.Well, Ive run tracksince middle school,but Ive never been toState before.I didnt do as well as Iwanted to do because [was nervous. I didntimprove my times ... Icouldve done a lotbetter, but I was toonervous.I placed well; I wasfourth, and my goal wasto be in the top five. Mycoach helped me out alot and made me feelreally good about what Idid.KATIE SHEEHAN; down thehomestrech, junior LarissaSchroeder pushes past herEastern opponent to thefinish line in the 100mhurdles at Sectional. Theteam finished third overallat Sectional.KATIE SHEEHANtng to catch the next runner,junior Elly Wingard stays focused duringthe 100m hurdles at Sectional. Wingardalso competed in the 300m hurdles, the400m relay and the 1600m relay.Runs, Jumps and Throwsvictory & defeat(2)
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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