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THE NEXTSTEPStudents learn to cope with the stress ot SATsAs junior BenWidlanski watchesthe clock tick, hismind is in aconstant panic. Hehas just a fewminutes tocomplete the lastfew questions onthe SAT mathsection. He quicklyuses the process ofelimination tocomplete the first two, and thentakes many quick guesses on theremaining problems.With only a few seconds left,Im very nervous. I tell myself notto panic and I take deep breaths,Widlanski said.Senior Jessica Ritchie used herown strategies when time waspushing and there were manyproblems to complete.When time is running out, Ilook to see where the second handis on the clock. According towhere it is, thats how I choose A,B, C or D, Ritchie said.Most students agreed that SATscores help determine where theygo to college, but others believedthey influence even moreimportant life choices.In the long run, the SAT leadsyou into the department whereyou major in, a job, and it basicallyaffects your whole life, seniorEvan Martin said.The (SAT) tells me whether ornot I will be successful in pursuitof my goal to be a lawyer,With only afew secondsleft Im verynervous. I tellmyself not topanic and Itake deepbreaths,junior BenWidlanskiby Andrew RemakWidlanski said.Students feltthat studying iskey to success onthe SAT.I read a lot ofbooks for myvocabulary, and Ialso take Greekand LatinDerivatives to helpmy vocabulary,junior ChelseaGreene said.To prepare, I have a computerprogram at home, and I read a lotbecause it is important for myvocabulary, Martin said.Even after preparing, studentsstill got worried about the test butfound ways to overcome thepressure.When I get nervous, I thinkabout what Ive studied. To avoidbeing nervous I get a good nightssleep, eat a good breakfast, and Ibring cheese during the test for theprotein, Ritchie said.To relieve the stress, I get aquick drink of water; I dont knowwhy I do, but it works, Widlanskisaid.When the proctor yells, Stop!Widlanski closes his booklet andbreathes a sigh of relief to knowthat all of the studying,nervousness and apprehension areover. Even though the SAT isfinished, it is only the first of manysteps students must take into thefuture.In their second blockeconomics class, seniorsSofie Conner, ChristiWalters and NaomiForss watch time passby. Students often usedclass time as a way tocatch up with theirfriends.*wfoAVERYTHATCHERWhat do you plan tobring with you forgood luck duringthe SAT?0Spread Design byacademicsRavi SoniMy lucky charm will be DewayneSmiths picture.junior Cari WeddleMy good luck charm will be my ringthat I always wear,senior Erin Wilson |
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Bloomington High School South |
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