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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2001, Page 237

Description: The 2001 Gothic, Volume 92, wascreated by a student staff andprinted by Herff Jones PublishingCompany, 6015 Travis Lane,Shawnee Mission, KS. Thepublishing consultant was CathyWolfe and the customer servicerepresentative was Debbie Thomas.Underclassmen photos were takenby Cameo Color and seniorportraits by Steve SheldonPhotography. All club photos weretaken by Phil Allen of Cameo Color.Book price was $35-$40. Press runwas 1,040. The book was producedon six PCs using PageMaker 6.5,Microsoft Word, and AdobePhotoshop 5.5.Book: 9x12 trim size. Bordeauxspecial 80# paper. 240 pages.Cover: Base Material: VTEX-1065Matte Black. HJ Silkscreen Color:26 Black. Embossing Die Color: 23Silver. Nameplate color: silver.Fonts: TW Cen MT 60 pt. and 30pt. and Garamond 34 pt.Folios: Numbers and Gothic:Copperplate Gothic 14 pt. and 1 2pt. Section names: Rage Italic 1 2pt. Signpost.giff from on-line clipart file.Photo Credits: Comic Sans MS 6pt.ColoEndsheets: Fonts: TW Cen MT 54 pt.Garamond 24 pt. and 30 pt.Division pages: Fonts: TW Cen MT54 pt., 20 pt., 14 pt. and 24 pt.Garamond 48 pt. and 34 pt. TahomalOpt.Student Life: Headline: Swis 721 BlkBT Reverse 45 pt. and Complex 28pt. Byline: Swis 721 Blk BT 10 pt.Story: Georgia 10 pt. Caption:Garamond 10 pt. Arrows: Wingdings3 60 pt. Sidebar: Maiandra GD 10pt., 13 pt., 30 pt. and 36 pt.Mini-Magazine: Captions: FranklinGothic Heavy 1 2 pt. Comic Sans MS11 pt. Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed1 3 pt. Sidebar Headline: Stylus BT72 pt. and Txt 1 2 pt. Copy boxes:Gill Sans MT 1 2 pt., Perpetua 1 2.5pt., Tahoma 1 1 pt., Arial 11.5 pt.,Times New Roman 1 2 pt., MS Serif12 pt., Arial Narrow 12 pt.,Garamond 1 2 pt., and Trebuchet MS8pt.Academics: Headline: Impact 48 pt.Drop Cap: Impact 1 30 pt. Subhead:Tahoma 1 6 pt. Story: Garamond 1 1pt. Captions: Ms Serif 1 1 pt. or TimesNew Roman 1 0 pt. Yourwords:Tahoma 48 pt. and 14 pt. Quotes:Century Gothic 1 0 pt. Quotationmarks: Times New Roman 1 29 pt.Sports: Main Headline: Eras Bold ITCp h o n74 pt. Secondary Headline: ErasBold ITC 46 pt. Subhead: Elephant14 pt. Byline: Eras Light ITC 1 8 pt.Box heads: Imprint MT Shadow 24pt. Story: Times New Roman 1 0 pt.Numbers: Engravers MT 50 pt. Scores:Eras Medium ITC 8 pt. SeasonRecord: Eras Bold ITC 30 pt. CaptionTahoma 8 pt. One Shining MomentHaettenschweiler 35 pt. OSM CopyTW Cen MT Condensed 10 pt. TeamPicture names: TW Cen MTCondensed 10 pt.Album: Class of: Maiandra GD 28pt. Caption: Superfrench 12 pt.Names: Perpetua 8 pt. He said: ErasDemi ITC 1 8 pt. and 53 pt. She said:Stylus BT 1 1.5 pt. and 41 pt. Survey:Romantic 60 pt. Survey Question:Maiandra GD 24 pt. Survey Graph:Microsoft Word. Faces:Haettenschweiler 40 pt. and StylusBT 14 pt., 1 6 pt. and 20 pt. Profilename: Imprint MT Shadow 32 pt.Profile copy: Tahoma 10 pt. SeniorsIf Then: Maiandra GD 14 pt. and 1 8pt. Senior Names: Perpetua 14 pt.Senior Memorable Moments:Perpetua Titling MT 1 8 pt., ArialNarrow 1 2 pt. and Arial 12 pt. SeniorSurvey: Comic Sans MS 48 pt. Bestand Worst: Stylus BT 1 8 pt. SeniorSurvey Results: Comic Sans MS 1 2.5pt. Senior Survey Captions: StylusBT 14 pt. and 1 6 pt.Activities Features: Activities:Garamond 1 8 pt. Activity names:TW Cen MT Condensed 1 6 pt.Headline: Garamond 30 pt.grayscale. Subhead: Garamond 16pt. Story: Garamond 11 pt. Byline:TW Cen MT Condensed 1 1 pt.Caption: TW Cen MT CondensedlOpt.Activities Club Pictures: Club Name:TW Cen MT Condensed 28 pt.Names: TW Cen MT Condensed 10pt. Feature Mainhead: TW Cen MTCondensed 60 pt. Headline:Garamond 36 pt. Subhead:Garamond 16 pt. Story: Garamond11 pt. Captions: Tahoma 8 pt.Ads: Finding a spot: Gill Sans UltraBold: 14 pt. and 30 pt. Arrangedby: Script MT Bold 14 pt. Caption:Times New Roman 1 2 pt. SeniorFarewell Ads: Farewell: FrenchScript MT 72 pt. Names: Script MTBold 1 6 pt. Message: Bookman OldStyle 10 pt.Index: Times New Roman 9 pt.The 1999-2000 Gothic was a NSPAAil-American and a Hoosier StarFinalist.Cdo&ho*\237
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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