Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2001, Page 58

Description: ■■■ msm mam mm asai wsm mmyourWhat did you find to be thebiggest difference between hereand the country you visited?In Spain, the schools are very different. They wakeup at about 8 a.m. and school starts at 8:45.They stay in one classroom the whole day,while their teachers move from room to room.Their school is a lot like college. Sometimestheir professors decide not to show up, so thestudents just go home. They have a half hourbreak at about 11:45, called meriendo. Allthe students and teachers can go outside,leave, or do whatever they want. Its likelunch, here at South, but its really not lunch.They dont eat until 3:00, when they returnhome from school.-junior Kelli RigginsPeople in Germany are a lot friendlier thanthey are here. You wouldnt expect it, but theyare. Also, barely anyone drives cars. They eitherride bikes or walk really, really fast.-junior Andrea WagnerThe biggest difference between the U.S. andFrance definitely had to be the drivers. Theyare crazy! I have more appreciation for Americandrivers now that I have experienced French driving.After all, the joke is: the French definition of a splitsecond is the amount of time it takes for the driverbehind you to honk when the stoplight turns green.-senior Jessi HylandThe biggest difference between the U.S. andSpain were the houses. There wasnt anycarpet, they didnt hang pictures on the wall,the peiro (dog) had his own seat at the table, andevery bathroom came equipped with a matchingbidet. It took us forever to figure out what it was!III!IiI -junior Stefanie FrommeyerIIAlmost all the people smoke and they eat breadall the timefin France].1 -junior Kirbee Mclntire--^Touring at the BavarianGovernment Center,students learned about therich cultural aspects ofGermany. They exploredmany historical sites while inthe country.Saying, whats up G, theFrench students raise theroof. The host studentstaught the exchangestudents many slang termsto take back with them toFrance.Gothic y. (ac^m^uo
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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