Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2001, Page 7

Description: mgaway »Whether it was Bloody the Blood-drop popping up onthe morning announcements to encourage students todonate blood, or the Black Culture Club performing astep routine in the cafeteria at lunch, examples of waysto get involved in life at BHSS filled the hallways andclassrooms. However, life did not stop once the studentsleft the building. There were jobs to go to, dances toattend, foreign places to explore and music to hear andcreate. No matter what the circumstances, studentsmanaged to take advantage of opportunities in theirlives, which made the time one to remember.» toseize opportuTable of ContentsSharing a laugh, seniors ChrisTarsi, Chad Schwartzkopf andAdam Strauser enjoythemselves after lunch onHalloween. Many studentstook advantage of the holidayto wear costumes to school.Students also foundopportunities to dress upduring the two Homecomingspirit weeks. ni t „ _..,r Photo by Brett WhiteNew Rules8Summer Fun10Jobs12Homecoming14Fads/Trends16Technology18Fun and Games20Holidays22Winter Court24Weekends26Spring Break28Southapalooza30Prom32Graduation34Mini-Magazine36Mini-Magazine38^■vvd&yCtJ^U^ ^wibio*
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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