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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1998, Page 207

Description: 1OtherOptionsBy Sofie Conner4-HSenior Jared Shirley isone of the many studentsthat participated in theMonroe County 4-Hprogram. 4-H activitesranged from baking tocrafts to raising andcaring for farm animals.9How long haveyou participatedin 4-H?(f^TNine years.9 What sorts ofprojects do youenjoy?(ffil I have done a lotc/1L of stuff over theyears. Ive done the beefand swine clubs, mixedhay, wood-working,electric tractor and craftclubs, too.QWhat is yourfavorite 4-Hproject?ifj] The beef project is&u> a lot of fun; youraise a couple of cowsand then you show themout at the fair.9 Why is 4-H agood activity inwhich to be involved?(fjl A lot of kids stayc^- out of trouble in4-H, because it keeps youaway from negativeinfluences. You alsolearn a lot of stuff hands-on. We also have funwith dances and get-togethers.seniorJared Shirleyphoto courtesy of Mrs. Cindy KvaleWith staff and trophyin hand, seniorsBobbie Burke, QuentinKramer and JT Brown andsophomore Dan Halla showoff their accomplishments.The Science Olympiadteam finished first in Stateand went on to place 19thin Nationals.After receiving firstplace in theexperimental designcompetition, sophomoreRachel Shiffrin and seniorsEmily Freeland and KeithHenderson stand on the topplatform. In experimentaldesign, students are givenrandom materials and areexpected to design and carryout a scientific courtesy of Mrs. Cindy Kvaleacademic decathlon, spell bowl, science olympiad 207
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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