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Underwood, Lisa 161Ursa, Diane 153Utt, Diane 161VVandersteen, Laura 82, 172Vandersteen, Paul 41, 57, 161Van Deventer, James 161Van Osdol, Jeffrey 41, 172Van Pelt, Lesa 40, 153Van Pelt, Richard 172Van Valkenburg, Jody 161Vasquez, Nancy 141Vaughn, Gina 172Vaught, Geoffrey 153Velasco, Frank 45, 153Villa Garcia, Kay 114,119Volz, Connie 66, 80, 161Volz, David 153wWadkins, Christie 97Waggoner, Lori 66, 80,172Waggoner, Michael 119Waggoner, Rocky 153, 176Wagle, Dan 98, 141Wagner, Andrew 103, 172Walcoff, David 141Walcoff, Linda 82, 161Waldon, Toby 161Walker, Marty 55, 161Walker, Thomas 172Wall, Sandra 172Wall, Wanda 153Walters, Jennifer 172Walters, Joyce 153Walters, Kellee 66, 172Walton, Ronald 111Wampler, Doug 135, 161Wampler, Fredrick 161Wampler, Marilyn 141Wampler, Wallace 141Ward, Joe 75, 98, 141Ward, Susan 172Warthan, Kimberly 172Washel, Stephen 77, 172Waterford, Jennifer 120Waters, Jeff 53, 153Watkins, Christy 161Watts, Mary 141Webb, Albert 172Webb, Deanna 172Webb, Kenneth 141Webb, Kent 98, 161Webb, Larry 141Webb, Mark 41,98,153Webb, Shirley 113Webb, Susan 141Weimer, Linda 153Weisstein, Cecily 153Welch, Ted 161Weldon, Kevin 161Wells, Laura 161Wells, Richard 153Wendling, Karen 153Wendling, Steve 27,141Wentworth, Barbie 41,81,121Wenzel, Debbie 153Wesemann, Tod 141West, Cindy 31,58,59; 172West, Susan 45,153Whaley, Becky 112Whaley, Mike 173Whaley, Ted 24,38,98,142White, Anne 60,155, 161White, Dennis 153White, Kimberly 173White, Michelle 147,153,188White, Stephanie 98, 120,142,1Wiite, Vicky 173Whitehead, Michelle 161Whiteman, Roy 112Wiesler, David 142Wiesler, James 161Wikle, Misty 161Wikle, Tamby32,33,153Wilber, Lloyd 173Wilbur, Alicia 153Wilbur, Elizabeth 161Wilbur, Tracy 142,176Wilcher, Douglas 161Wiley, Jessica 173Wiley, Scott 153Wiley, Terisa 173Wilhelm, Catherine 153Wilhelm, Ronald 173Wilkerson, Daniel 173Wilkerson, Mark 153,180Wilkerson, Todd 161Willett, Mary 18,36,105,142Willett, Mike 153Williams, Carol 161Williams, Dorothy 113Williams, Matthew 161Williams, Mid 112Williams, Sammy 173Wil I ison, Vernon 153Wilson, Bradley 173Wilson, Davon 142Wilson, Deborah 173Wilson, Grahame 173Wilson, Greg 54,173Wilson, Jeffrey 153Wilson, Mike 153Wilson, Ronald 161Wilson, Stephanie 172Wilson, William 143Wineinger, Frank 161Wineinger, Mary 120, 143Wineinger, Tina 66, 173Wininger, Roberta 161Wisen, Craig 173Wisen, David 153Wisley, Larry 161Wisley, Wendell 161Withnell, Amanda 153Witt, Chris 53, 164,173Wittman, Christopher 119Wolf, Cammie 32, 82, 153Wolson, Doug 60Wood, Arnetta 82, 173Woodley, Harold 18, 36, 45, 57, 98, 143Woodley, Tom 57, 98, 161Woodward, Andrew 153Woolf, Bill 100, 114, 119Wray, Darla 153Wray, Michael 173Wright, Paul 98, 99, 153Wright, Robert 173yYeatman, Wesley 173Yokum, Debbie 120Young, Katherine 18, 24, 25, 32, 33, 36, 41, 72, 81, 82, 143,192Young, Marion 111Young, Randy 57, 153Young, Sharon 161Young, Shona 1731LZebendon, Jane 112Zerface, Michael 161Ziegler, John 40Ziegler, Laura 40Ziegler, Marilyn 40,119Ziemer, Laura 173Ziemer, William 153Zillmann, Tomas 173AcknowledgmentsWe would like to thank the.special people who have helped to make this book possible:Dick Kennard, Caryn Truitt, and Newsfoto Yearbooks;Jay Kinzel and Indiana School Pictures;Wayne Schuman, for color printing;Bob Talbot, for the theme page;Mark Abbott, Craig Dalrymple, Mickey Feaster, The Herald-Telephone, Debora Horning, Sarah Jacobs, Jill Lewis, CharlieMcClary, Susan Nicholson, Jane Reagan, Sarah Salmon, Rolf Samuelsen, Sharon Staum, Jackie Thompson, and FrankVelasco, for contributing copy and photographs;1979 Gothic advertisers;MCCSC and BHS South administration;BHS South faculty, staff, and students.Index/Acknowledgments 207 |
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Bloomington High School South |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.