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preparedby Amanda Ritchiestudents face consequences of not being ready for class/ C—± lass, clear your desks and take outTT a pencil for the test. The dreadedwords are spoken. The studentsfall silent. First, a state of shock, then, awave of panic passes over theunprepared students. Cringing at thethought of the consequences that will befaced later, theyfrantically search for away to get out of theirmiserable situation.Being unpreparedfor class was a commonproblem for studentsfor a variety of reasons.Often, studentsforgot assignments andother important itemsfor class, leading toundesirablecircumstances.It was my turn to use the potterswheel in ceramics class and I didnt havemy apron, so I ended up with clay allover my black pants, shirt and shoes!freshman Emily Thrasher said.I had to do a speech for speech classand I left my written speech at home, soI had to stand up and talk about a topic Ididnt know much about, senior ScottWootton said.Procrastination was also a reasonwhy students were unprepared.I knew about a report I had to write6 ^Once, I didnt readan assignment in myEnglish book becausemy friend spilledchocolate puddingon it...-sophomore Sarah Hansonfor a month, but I kept coming up withexcuses and had other things to do. Iended up having to do the whole thinglate the night before it was due, juniorDara Sides said.Strange circumstances causedsophomore Sarah Hanson to beunprepared for anEnglish quiz.Once, I didnt readan assignment in myEnglish book becausemy friend had spilledchocolate pudding onit; I didnt want to takeit home because itsmelled like rottenchocolate pudding!Hanson said.The unfortunateconsequences of beingunprepared for class led some studentsto search for a way to avoid it.I always write things down on myankles because I cross my legs a lot andmy pants are short, Thrasher said.Whether due to bad memory orprocrastination, students foundthemselves unprepared for class innumerous instances. The consequencesof such behavior convinced somestudents to mend their ways whileothers went on living their school days ina state of doubt, shock and panic.©n English 5-6 juniorUanelle Sotomayor doesresearch for a paper oncapital punishment. This paperwas a requirement for the class.Alyssa Houzeuring sixth period, seniorI Amber Martindale studiesin service learning, taughtby Mr. Richard Cardis, socialstudies. This was the first yearthat this class has been offered.©48 academicsspread design by jason geringer |
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Bloomington High School South |
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