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D1CSibus3V woing up for the rebound, freshman Lacey Mehalechko challenges her Columbus1 North opponent. The freshman team ended their season 10-4.DEFENSEfreshman girls end with winning reeordby H2Lf,1•What was oneword to describeyour team?Exciting. Eachgame wasdifferent. Wewere alwayslearning newthings, there werealways newexperiences.freshmanLacey MehalechkoTogetherness.Our team stayedtogether andstuck in thereagainst sometough teams.freshmanMegan SlotaFriendship. Wealways acted likea team on and offthe court.freshmanSarah Nicholson•How did yourteam get along?Pretty good. Welost some players tothe JV team, andsome to injury, butwe got around itand worked reallyhard.freshmanMyia LittleAt the end of theseason we got sickof each other, butwe just stuck it outand pulledtogether.freshmanMegan SlotaJohn ChambersFront Row: Sarah Nicholson, Sarah Greenburg, Tricia Cooksey, Myia Little.Lauren Humes Back Row: Kim Chamberlain, Megan Slota, Afton Harris, LaceyMehalechko. Liza Prall. Coach Lisa Butcher^ue SCOREBOXOpponent UsEdgewood 49Terre Haute South 39Seymour 32Bloomington North 40Center Grove 29Martinsville 39Bedford 31Perry Meridian 37Columbus North 36Brownstown 48Decatur Central 56Columbus East 37Terre Haute North 25Moorseville 52Record 10-4Them1820302745424734313222242831• What was themostembarrassingthing thathappenedduring yourseason?During apracticescrimmage, thefirst time theyplayed me, I wastaking the ballout of bounds.Instead ofpassing itinbounds likeyoure supposedto, I just dribbledit onto thecourt.freshmanMyia Little• If you couldhave changedone thing aboutthe season, whatwould it havebeen?That we wouldhave had morepractice time. Bythe time wereally improved,it was the end ofthe season.freshmanMegan SlotaOur record!freshmanTricia CookseyNot losingplayers to JV.freshmanSarah Nicholsonjv/frosh girls basketball 113 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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