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A Club For Anyone and EveryoneThere aremany clubs andorganizations here atBloomington South.Students AgainstDrunk Driving(S.A.D.D.) wants tomake students awareof the dangers ofdriving whileintoxicated. Theymade posters all yearlong and also put on askit before prom soeveryone would havea safe prom. Theplay before prom wasa lot of fun, statedsenior VanessaKinder. I thinkS.A.D.D. had a goodinfluence this year butwed like much morestudent involvementin the future.The BlackCulture Club startedtwo years ago butreally got a lot ofsupport this pastyear.They met every otherweek to discuss avariety of issues andeducate the studentbody. President EzraCourtney hopes toget rid of ignoranceand get morestudents involved.One of the highlightsof the year was the 3-on-3 basketballtournament. Nextyear they hope to domore bigger andbetter things.PeopleRecognizing OurUnity and Diversity(P.R.O.U.D.)isaclubnew to South thisyear. It is not asupport group, but aneducational, gay-straight alliance.Sammy Hastingshopes to educateboth gay and straightabouthomosexuality. Amajor promotion thisyear was the GayYouth Workshop.Next year they hopeto expand to reachmore of the schooland get more peopleinvolved.The SpanishClub was organizedby Mrs. Alvarez to gether students moreinvolved. They learna lot about Spanishculture and othercountriesphilosophies. Theyhave designed T-shirts, played games,and organized adinner, FiestaMexico, withMexican food for allof the membersfamilies. MarcieHitchcox stated, Wehad a lot of fun times.Story by Jayme Jones andChris MagdzinskiP.R.O.U.D.: 1st row: JulieSumner, Sammy Hastings,Kerry Laws, 2nd row: DiegoMerino, Ann Kuchefski,Phoebe Hanshew, GigiSperber, 3rd row: Mrs.Horning, Ildiko Holschuh,Sarah Smith, Anna Hazinski,Julian Stetkyvych, AndrewDiltsE72 / Activities |
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Bloomington High School South |
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