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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1996, Page 45

Description: vsSomeday this will be areal birdhouse thinksJoshua Cutter.aura Cobb lets the music. intensify her artistic flow.Art is the meaning oflife itself.-Ann KuchefskiPhoto by Kerry LawsFacing ExpansionDuring the95-96 school year theart department facedan increase inteachers, classesoffered, and studentenrollment. Thenumber of studentstaking ceramicsincreased so muchthat it was all Mr.Ackerson had time toteach.During theschool year artstudents participatedin many competitions;such as the NationalS c h o I a t i c scompetition, theMartin Luther Kingposter contest, andthe Knights of Pithiuscompetition. Severalstudent were alsoinvolved with thepainting of a mural forthe YMCA.Next year thedepartment will beoffering two newclasses, TextileDesign andAdvanced StudioPortfolio. Collectively,these classes willcover newtechniquessuch as boulique,weaving, and surfacedesign.The artclassrooms will beone of the last onesrenovated. Whencompleted, thedepartment will bewithin four roomslocated in thevocational area. Boththe teachers andstudents look forwardto newer, nicerfacilities.Story by Jed Junkinudrey ODonnell shows James RobinsonUhe wonders of the T-square.Academics / D45
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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