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Dana Bobilya takes a break atop a mountain.RelaxingLast summer was a relaxing timefor most students while providing achance to do things that couldnt bedone during the school year. ChrisRobinson recalls the summer as, atime to relax, eat, and sleep in. I alsogot the chance to travel some. It wasa totally awesome summer.Many students decided to not onlyrelax and have a good time, but tospend time working. Anna Hoardsaid, I had a great summer, I justkicked back and relaxed. The onlything that wasnt fun was work, butthe money was rather nice to have.Other students spent their timeperfecting their athletic skills. SeniorMikki Peterson stated, I spent a lotof my summer going to differentvolleyball camps and playing on aclub team. It was worth all of thehard work so that I could better mygame.Many of us remember the tortureof having to return to the hot andhumid classrooms of South in lateAugust. One day the heat index wasover one hundred degrees and thesecond half of school cancelled. RobMcCrea remembers that day, I wentout to the lake and laid in a raft forabout three hours. It was greatlyneeded.Bosom buddies Eli Stoddard and Brad Roseare dressed for a night out on the town.18/STUDENT LIFEBttaBUBAf. *>W ;Z -J\^ |
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Bloomington High School South |
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