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vfftyf>David Rivera carefully examinesthe gym for any sign of trouble atthe Winter Sports Festival.Council reaches outStudent council is reallyreaching out this year, we aremore involved than ever be-fore, commented co-president Bindhu Gopalan.By getting involved studentcouncil accomplished manythings, including theorginization of Homecomingand the winter sports dance.They also took part inmany fun things. These included sending a group ofstudents to Center Grove fora day and hosting studentsfrom that school. They organized a food drive for theHeart Association. The involvement with dances andfun things is coming alongwell, stated Mrs. Linda Raymond co-sponsor with Mr.David Welch.One of the issues addressed was the lack of information about AIDS. Theyused Connections postersplaced in the stairwell andcafeteria to make information about the disease available to students. Im reallyglad that student councilgives me the opportunity toget involved with the community, said AliceHohimer. They helped manypeople with their works including a young girl in India,who received food and an education from monies sent bythe council.The members of studentcouncil were co-presidentsBindhu Gopalan and SandyNay, vice-president KevinCoyne, secretary LauraJones, and treasurer HeatherButler. Student council is asuper group of kids, withstrong leaders, working together to make a betterschool, said Raymond.First row: Jeannie Sturgis, Sara Jen-seon, Alice Hohimer, April Parsons,Arno Holschuh, Jamie Lafollette,Gautam Kharkar, David Rivera.Row two: Mr. Welch, Mrs. Raymond, Ali McGregor, MeganClendening, Paris Jones, Sandy Nay,Heather Palmer, Kevin Coyne, AceList, Gretchen Buazan, MicheleDeckard, Clint Baker. Row three:Jennifer Wrenn, Bindhu Gopalan,Astrid Anderson, Kim Hendrickson,John Hill, Ian Craig, Todd Deck-ard.Row four: Laura Jones, NicholeGeringer, Sonya Jarvis, MindyHintonhouse, Heather Butler... .And the 1990 Winter Sportsking and queen are Andrew Bonserand Tara Thompson! announcesSara Jensen.i206 / ACTIVITIES |
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Bloomington High School South |
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