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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1990, Page 194

Description: *i,\South performsA Fools Prayer andFive On The Aisle werethe productions given byTheatre South. The cast, ofabout 25 members, was involved in the production,acting, and set building forboth plays. Student involvement was a plus this year,commented Mary Forester-Kinzer, Theatre Souths advisor.The first play, A FoolsPrayer, was based on apoem written by RandolphGalvin. At the time of Theatre Souths performance itwas to be published by one ofthe countrys biggest playpublishing companies. It isalways exciting to put on apremiere play, said Forest-er-Kinzer.Five On The Aisle was acollection of five one actplays. Each play was directedby a South student. Thesestudents were Rachel Baxter,Daneille Bruce, April Busch,Amy Button and Kelly Cross.Three of the plays presentedwere, The Ugly Duckling,Waiting for the Bus andHello Out There. Moststudents seem to really getinto the acting as well as enjoy the fun, Bruce commented.The majority of TheatreSouths income came fromthese two shows. Althoughno other funds had beenraised for future productions, several plans were inthe works. Any time wedont lose money (on a show)I consider it a success, For-ester-Kinzer added. Thismoney went towards the purchase and/or creation ofsets, costumes, and variousthe other items needed by atheatre troupe.Jason Howard moans and groanswhile carrying Lorayna Mayesacross the stage in The Ugly Duckling.John Hill sweeps Shelly Fleetwoodoff her feet with his charm in HelloOut There.194 / ACTIVITIES
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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