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Wrestlers go 9-1-1The wrestling Panthers ignored inexperience and builtone of its best seasons in years.The varsity team wrestled fornine wins, one loss, and one tie.The reserve team had nine winsand three losses.We were a very young teamwith only two seniors, said varsity coach Phil Smith. But wewere able to win the meets.South suffered its only lossthis year to Bloomington Northat the South Central Conferencetournament final. When the twoteams met again, South won andwent on to become the Sectional champ.The Panthers placed secondin the Regional tournament andsent five wrestlers to semi-state.Senior Rob Underwood andFreshman Mike Runyon wenton to the State tournament.Runyon finished third in State inthe 119 lb. weight class.Runyon compiled a remarkable record of 32 wins and onlyone loss—to the eventual statechamp. Thats impressive foranyone, let alone a freshman,Smith said. During the summerhe accompanied a US wrestlingteam to China.The Panthers also won theirown eight-team Christmas tournament for the first time in fiveyears.... a great season. Going tostate was nerve racking and Iwas glad to have Rob Underwood (senior) along. He gaveme confidence.BHSSVARSITYOPP39Greenwood2562Seymour352Martinsville1532BHS North2746Perry Meridian1356Center Grove650Jennings Co.971Northview027Edgewood2718Warren Central3843Southport12Mike RunyonBHS Norths gym dwarfed thewrestling mat as South teammembers fought their way to aSouth Central Conference second place. North won but wasdefeated by South for the sectional championship.WRESTLERETTES. Front Row:Angie Kinley, CourtneyKetcham, Lisa Myers. Back Row:Crystal Kinser, Ladonna Pedro,Versitta Shipley, Shawn CazeeWrestling 117 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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