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Tony ElisonIndianasA+ planThis is alandmarkventure that isgoing to putIndiana outfront.Theresnothing moreimportant tothe people ofthis state thaneducation...Robert D. OrrGovernor ofIndianaGovernor OrrWhat anopportunity!Not many highschoolstudents have achance to talkto theGovernor oftheir State. Imay not totallyagree with hisplan butpeople are nowworkingtoward theimprovementof theeducationalsystem.Tony ElisonGovernor Orr explains the upsand downs of his A+ program andcurrent forms of education whilespeaking at South.Gov. Orrs chore: A+Education has always been onepath to reach the American dreamof a better tomorrow. In his questto achieve excellence in educationfor the boys and girls of Indiana,Governor Robert Orr came toBloomington High School South.Orr spoke for 40 minutes,discussing his $373 million A+education proposal for Indiana.The United States, in the past, hasbeen a powerful nation ineducation. We have let education slip and yet we still have theability to invent and create.We are at a turning point in thehistory of our state. We do notevaluate our education system ...and we do not know how well weare performing, Orr said. Hestressed the importance ofmeeting the challenge of thefuture and improving Indianaseducational system so we cancompete successfully in thefuture.At the time Orr visited South theState Legislature was still fightingover the recommendations. Somechanges were extending theschool year, state-wide studentprogress testing and expandedsummer school programs for student who find themselves behind.The program has since passed theLegislature in a special one daysession. Im hopeful that it (theA+ program) will be a real turningpoint. This really is a victory for thenext generation of Indianacitizens, the Governor said.Considering Orrs visit, PrincipalGary Druckemiller said, it is a realhonor to have the Governor visitour school. He is an experienced,polished public official who holdsthe most important governmentalpost in Indiana. I believe it was anexceptional experience forstudents to interact and see himface to face, Druckemiller said.Commenting on his hour atSouth, Governor Orr said Thesestudents are well prepared. Theyhave obviously done theirhomework in preparing for myvisit. If all Indiana high schoolstudents were this informed, theimmediate need for educationreform would be less critical.The demeanor and intellectualcuriosity of these students reflectswell on the community of Bloomington, and also on the faculty andadministrators of BloomingtonHigh School South, Governor Orrconcluded.Governor Orr 79 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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