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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1985, Page 101

Description: 92 seniors receive trainingLeadership OpportunitiesThrough Service (LOTS) provides an opportunity forselected seniors to learn moreabout leadership frommembers of the communitythrough seminars. They alsoreceive leadership training byparticipating with a fifth gradeclass during its week of outdoor education at BradfordWoods—a camp operated byIndiana University.Many of the LOTS seniorswere returning to BradfordWoods, as they had been tothe camp previously as fifthgraders.The first part of the programwas a Leadership Camp held inAugust at Bradford Woods. Itstressed the qualities required for effective leadership, stated Kendall Harnett.At the camp, the 92 LOTSseniors from both BHSN andBHSS participated in activitieswhich would prepare them fortheir week away from schoolwith their fifth grade classes.Yolk folk, simulated fifthgraders, were created withhard boiled eggs and cared forduring the entire weekend.Most of the seniors felt thatthis helped them to learn theextent of the responsibilitiesthey would incur. The seniorsalso listened to several lectures about the importance ofstrong leadership skills.Activities during the schoolyear included a trip to theChallengers Camp where alecture was presented by itsdirector, Dr. Dave Gallahue, onthe physical capabilities ofelementary age children. InFebruary, the LOTS programparticipated in the Spirit ofSport All-Nighter, sponsoredannually by the StudentRecreational Sport Association(SRSA), of Indiana University,which donates approximately$10,000 each year to the Indiana Special Olympics.The LOTS program isbeneficial to both the fifthgraders and the high schoolseniors by placing them in anatmosphere where they arefriends, said Elizabeth Hug-gins. Malcolm Webb said, asmost of its participants, thatLOTS was lots of fun.The LOTS seniors participated in manyactivities with their classes, including afive mile hike to Gold Creek. Along theway the seniors helped the classeswith many conservation projects, including piking up trash and preventingerosion.LOTS SENIORS. FRONT ROW: AmyMikesell, Nancy Hostetler, JanetEbeling, Lori Hoff, Doug Underwood,Tom Gregory, Ken Wiesler, David Chih.SECOND ROW: Laura Wiley, MegginCabot, Sarah Woodley, HeatherCramer, Julie Kossnar, MichelleWilkerson, Jennifer East, Mr. PeteBellesis, sponsor. THIRD ROW: LisaCombs, Elizabeth Huggins, KarenBrock, Julie McFall, Terri Covington,Andrea Terrell, Laura White, LanaNonwieler. FOURTH ROW: KatieFroehle, Chris Robertson, Betsy Goss,Lisa Carnegie, Karen Siebert, AndyWalker, Judy Funkhouser. FIFTH ROW:Meera Popkin, Michelle Richardson,Eric Franz, Debbie Nelson. SIXTH ROW:Ron Evans, Kendall Harnett, BethKeogh, Scott Kiesling, RichardHollingsworth, Scott Stephanson, BillBeggs. BACK ROW: Tim Richards, BobAiken. NOT PICTURED: Sarah Delone,Kim Goad, Carol Haney, Kathy Haynes,Shawn Pearcy, Becky Rosenblum, JeffSherman, Zach Smith, Mike Stewart,Kwang Sung, Malcolm Webb.S V ~&>f *•*> *r~* LOTS 101
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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