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Clubs get good experienceBloomington Southmembers of Office EducationAssociation (OEA) managedfundraising events and competed in many contests duringthe 1984-85 school year.During October, membersheld a Halloween party and inNovember, members fromNorth and South sponsored aRock-a-Thon at the CollegeMall. Souths members raisedabout six hundred dollarswhich was donated to Bloom-ingtons Stonebelt Council forthe Winter Special Olympics.I was really pleased,stated Mary Jane Trinkle,Souths OEA advisor. Thestudents showed spirit and hada lot of fun.Also in November, OEA sponsored a canned food drive,planning to donate the food toSenior Jennifer Reeves looks over accounts with her employer, Robert Cap-shew, Certified Public Accountant. Abanquet was held at the end of theyear thanking the students employersthroughout the community.a needy family in the community. In late November and earlyDecember OEA members participated in the preliminary jobinterview contest held atSouth. For the contest, eachmember made ficticious datasheets which were given tobusinessmen and women atthe interviews.In December, OEA memberswere assigned as pixies prior tothe holidays during which theydecorated teachers doors tobrighten up the atmosphere,noted Trinkle.The second semesters major emphasis was on regionalcompetition held in Februaryat South. Ten schools fromtheir district participated in thecontest. Those who did wellwent on to state competition inMarch in Indianapolis.Districutive Education Clubsof America (DECA) membersalso participated in numerousprojects this year. In January,DECA students participated inthe district competition inIndianapolis.DECA members raisedmoney by running the PantherDen bookstore and candy shopat South and sold costumejewelry early in the year. Themoney raised from both wasused for paying for the trips toDECA contests.The goal for DECA this yearwere to, train students to besuccessful, said Jerry Denny,Souths DECA advisor.Both OEA and DECA held abanquet at years end thankingthe students employers, fortheir participation which isessential to the program.98 OEA/DECA |
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Bloomington High School South |
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