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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1984, Page 123

Description: .aamamm. swppi%/jIts growingwith leapsand boundsThe popularity of the team sport soft-ball has grown with leaps and boundsthe last few years, according to Southsgirls athletic director Georgia Tidd.The reason for this growth, Tidd explained, is that Softball is not expensiveand is for the most part easy to play. Itsthe American game. Most kids play it during the summer and know the basics ofthe game.South has had a Softball club for thepast three years. Tidd hopes that softballcan be entered into South as a varsitysport next year but said the schoolsystem has to supply the necessary funding for hiring a coach and buying teamsupplies.The Bloomington Parks and Recreationsoftball program has also grown this year.According to Mick Renndisen, thenumber of teams for the 1984 summerseason is 123, up from 109 for 1983. Hesaid approximately 2000 people are involved in 84.In the Parks and Rec program, eachteam has to pay $300 for the 15-gameseason. Most teams have sponsors, suchas churches or businesses. Other teamsgather the necessary funds amongthemselves.Renndisen said the popularity of soft-ball is growing nationwide, not just at theleague level but at the championship levelas well.TOP LEFT: Dan Grundman plays on a BloomingtonParks and Recreation softball team.TOP RIGHT: South graduate Alex Bellessis playssoftball on a team sponsored by his employer, Noble Romans.MIDDLE: Junior Tanda Neese is catcher for the Noble Romans team.BOTTOM: GIRLS SOFTBALL CLUB. FRONT ROW:Kileen Stafford, Teresa Bezzy, Coach Jerry Barrett.SECOND ROW: Suzanne Wilson, Michelle Runyon,Sherri Deckard. THIRD ROW: Debbie Oclander,Suzy Barrett, Lynn Dunning, Dee Dee Shands.FOURTH ROW: Michelle Whitlow, MelissaSchermer, Christine Wattles, Anita Linnemeier.!Softball 123
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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