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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1984, Page 97

Description: Rush takes fifth at statewhile girl harriers go 6-3/ think the team ran well throughoutthe season; our dual meet record was anindication we started strongly.Randy ViolaThe 1983 BHS South boys crosscountry team ended its season with arecord of 6-4.The teams climb to the state meetended when it placed fifth behind anumber of state contenders. Top runnersenior Eric Rush, who advanced to thestate meet as a semi-state champ, hadhis sights on the state title. He placedfifth.First-year coach Tom Alwine said heplaced more emphasis on tournamentsand invitationals and let dual meets takecare of themselves. Alwine added,however, We had a good team effort inevery meet we ran this year. Everybodyout there was giving 100 percent allyear.First-year girls coach Larry Williamsfelt that over the season the girls teamaccomplished a lot and the overallseason went well. We started a programthat will get better over the years.The team ended 6-3, with two lossescoming from teams in the state top 10.Williams was disappointed the Panthersdidnt make it past sectionals, in whichthey placed fourth.He was somewhat pleased, however,with the Panthers fourth-place finish inthe South Central Conference. It turnedout to be a good battle between Southand Martinsville that had everyone running very competitively, he said.The team was led by senior NaomiNoda, who often placed first, accordingto Williams. Also running varsity weresenior Catherine Bauer; juniors JenniferBaker, Heather Cramer, Chrisy Eubanks,and Andrea Terrell; and sophomoreSusanne McCaffery. Williams commended the seniors in that they were on ateam working for the future.*TOP: Senior Naomi Noda passes her competition.MIDDLE: The boys cross-country team runs inregional competition. (Photo by Phil Whitlow,courtesy of The Herald-Telephone)BOTTOM: BOYS CROSS-COUNTRY TEAM.FRONT ROW: Trent Abraham, Mark McCloskey,Alex Thayer, Eddie Morris, Andy Meister, DannyHays. SECOND ROW: Mark Morris, Bruno Danner,Randy Viola, Jim Hayes, Eric Rush. THIRD ROW:Mike Cunningham, Scott Kiesling, Allen Paurazas,Paul Hepfer, John Morris.Cross Country 97
Collection: Bloomington High School South

Further information on this record can be found at its source.