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!TOP: GIRLS GOLF TEAM. Lisa Baker,Coach Edith Thrasher, Nancy Stewart,Katherine Young, Elizabeth Burke.BOTTOM LEFT: Junior Nancy Stewartdemonstrates the backswing that wonher the captain and B-woman awards.BOTTOM MIDDLE: Lisa Baker preparesto sink a putt.BOTTOM RIGHT: During a practice session, senior Elizabeth Burke practicesher drive.Thrasher optimisticabout upcoming yearWere going to try to get more practicegoing than weve had before. Well have topractice year-round to get good enough toplay the teams we have to play, said girlsgolf coach Edith Thrasher.Well have to depend on the beginnersfor next year, but we expect to have a goodteam, she added. Ive asked the BoosterClub to buy a few sets of clubs so thatunsure freshmen dont have to investmoney in clubs.The team ended the 78 season with a12-15 record, including tournaments. Thegirls placed sixth out of nine in the SouthCentral Conference meet and fourth of 10in sectional competition.Thrasher said, Our most satisfying winwas against Terre Haute South because twoof the girls—Katherine Young and Elizabeth Burke—broke 50 away from home.The 78 season was led by B-woman RosePowell and captain Katherine Young. Nextyears B-woman and captain is junior NancyStewart.72 GirlsGolf |
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Bloomington High School South |
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