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.- -.-;■■/ HMlK ;-.! JOGGING...CAVING..JMany students who do not participate inextracurricular school athletics spend theirafter-school hours perfecting their own individual pastimes.Racquetball—a sport growing rapidly inpopularity, especially in Bloomington,where two new racquetball clubs were builtthis year—is enjoyed by students and faculty alike. One fan said, Our family playstennis a lot; and about three years ago mytwo brothers, my dad, and I would playevery Sunday to have something to do during the winter.Its a lot of exercise for the shortamount of time you are allowed to spend onthe court. You run around a lot, and its difficult too. Its not just hitting the ball backand forth. You have to watch the bouncesand the angles.Another student enjoys tobogganing.The bad part is you can only practice inthe winter, but the time you do have isworth it. It can be really fun, if you have funpeople with you. Sometimes its hard tocontrol if youre around lots of trees andbushes.Another popular sport in Bloomington isskateboarding. One skateboarder who ownsan $80 Fiberflex board said there is onlyone disadvantage to his sport—crashing.Crashing has got to be what I like least.Other than that, its fun—something to do.I enjoy it.He and many others practice jumps andruns on a specially built ramp in a parkacross from Bloomington Hospital.Other sports practiced by studentsinclude jogging, equitation, sailboat racing,caving, barrel racing, and as many othervaried sports as people at South.TOP: For a history project junior Glen Browntries to choose which trail to take at Buck-ners Cave.BOTTOM: Diving for competition and for herown pleasure is Mary Lincer, diving for IUcoach Hobie Billingsley.^w|l62 Individual Sports |
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Bloomington High School South |
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