Collection Order

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0139_Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2018, Page 135

Description: I. Senior Adenine Kao passes the batonto senior Senna Hendricks during a relayrace.II. Junior Katie Moore throws the shotduring during the shotput event.III. A group of athletes line up on theblock in preparation for a sprintingevent.IV. Sophomore Katrine Bruner andfreshman Molly Crecelius jump over by Torran Bombaa newoAdenine KaoseniorMy favoritememory waswhen coachpromised thesetwo seniors pizza,and then hepretended toforget, but heended up justbuying the wholeteam pizza(instead).OI decided to start throwingbecause my sister did it, and Ithought it looked fun. Im glad Iparticipated in track becauseIve met some great people.-junior Katie MooreoIt feels like you are flying whenyou go over the bar. There are somany components to it, (so)there is always room forimprovement.-sophomore Lindsey WayI like when I have a good jump,and I can feel my formimproving. You have to extendyour legs to help you go further.-junior Jordan Monson135Elizabeth Rickertsenior
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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