Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2018, Page 27

Description: nHaflODE1 °Ii g si in is iiSi^^1^^^tl[] Imp lIS□ * DiRftrflm evening for horT^Evening of the Arts is an annual show organize*by Norths art department. Its held to honor students besfart work made over the year. Families, friends and studentsare invited to attend. There is live music performed by Northsown orchestra. Food is nicely prepared and sitting out.The evening means more to students than some mayknow. Claudia Gonzalez-Diaz, 11, is one of these students.She had six pieces in the show, three from stained glass andthree from photography.I felt very appreciated and special, and it was nice to seemy artwork have value beyond the gradebook, Gonzalez-Diaz said. I also really enjoy being able to see all my friendsartwork that I normally wouldnt get to see in class, and in amore professional light, as well.Its especially special for seniors, because they get theirsenior portfolio displayed. This consists of all their best artfrom the previous four years.I had 13 pieces in the show, they were all in myportfolio, Mary Kate Doyon, 12, said. I liked it. It made mefeel proud of my work, especially all of the work that Ive pu]in over the years. I felt blessed to have a seniorportfolio because last year I saw all the seniorlortfolios and I really wanted one. So, thisyear is like a dream come true.story by Ellen Willibey
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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