Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2017, Page 53

Description: A Word with an Aspiring AuthorSophomore Sophie Paquettesinterest in writing began in 7th gradewhen she decided to get involved withNational Novel Writing Month, aprogram that people all over the worldparticipate in every November.It was during that November of2013 that she experienced the joy ofwriting. She knew it was something sheloved and would want to do for the restof her life.I want to make a difference inreaders lives just like authors have madea difference in my life, Paquette said. Icant really see myself doing anythingelse because I want to do something Ilove for the rest of my life.Paquette is currently taking an IUcreative writing course and aspires toattend Brown University for college.Top 10 Young AdultBooks of 20161 6Empire of B^TIEFVATW The RavenStorms by a^i.^y6 K,ng bySarah J. mr^JmWSiMa99ieMaas KkK WL StiefvaterikkHkYoga Pose of the Daywith Ms. Hennessey:rnSophomores Maxwell Fettchenhauer, Samuel Grant, andNolan Wampler arent fazed by Monday morning fatigue asthey do their daily yoga with Ms. Hennessey.
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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