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ALL IN THE FAMILYstory by Anna Raphael, Bailey Gardner, and SophieYoungIf youve ever wondered what its like tobe coached by a family member, IsaiahHollars can tell you.Hollars, who comes from a long line ofrunners, chose to join the North cross countryteam instead of continuing with other sportshe was involved in. Its easy to think thatbeing the athlete of a family member couldchange the way family members interact, butfor Hollars and his grandfather, CoachWarthan, the only thing that has changed isthe strength of their relationship.In eighth grade, instead of doing thewinter Indiana Track Club, I was invited totrain with the Bloomington North team overthe winter, Hollars said. I really started tofall in love with running then, and I made alot of friends that winter. It was a no-brainerthat I was going to join the cross countryteam at North because of how much joy I gotto experience.Hollars became a member of the teamcoached by his grandfather. But despite thefamilial relationship, Coach Warthan treatshis runner the same way he treats the rest ofthe team.The coach is my grandfather, but hedoesnt give me any special treatment,Hollars said. One of the things I admire mostabout Coach is that he cares just as much forthe last runner on the team as he does thefirst.Although Isaiah and his grandfatherwere already close, cross country has provided an outlet to bond in a new way.Even though running for coach hasnt changed our relationship too much, it has indeed brought me closer to coach,Hollars said. Hollars, a two-year varsity runner, has gone the distance to both support his team in their journey to succeed andto build a stronger relationship with his grandfather.*4Smm 5 & -km. 1Andrcvmjilardo. 12-en, 11photos by Anna Raphael and Sophie Young51 |
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Bloomington High School North |
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