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44^powb*Vhat is the most difficult part of pkyind softball?Emily: Staying positive when you get a bad hit or dont catch a ball because you get down onyourself and the whole team gets down, but you just have to stay positive.Bailey: Just knowing your position, knowing what your job is on every play.Hannah: Mostly what Emily said, like letting the last play go if you messed up or what not. And likeBailey said, knowing where you need to go.Vhat traditions does the softball team have?Hannah: We do our team bonding over spring break. We have braiding sessions on the bus whereeveryone braids each others hair. Well, mainly its Emily and Leah Salmon braiding everyone elses hair.Emily: When we come home from the bus, we sing the bus driver song. Its like thank you to thebus driver.[all singing in unison]Thank you, Mrs. Bus Driver,Bus driver,Bus driver.Thank you, Mrs. Bus Driver,For driving us home.Youre dashing,Youre daring,Youre loving,Youre caring.Thank you, Mrs. Bus Driver,For driving us home!Qaiky, how do you plan to live up your last season atHorth?Bailey: Well in the past, Ive been number 44. But this year Im gonna be number 10because my all time favorite baseball player, Chipper Jones. This is his last season,and this is my last season. So Im gonna wear the same number as him this season.Vhat is somethnd peopk dont know about your team?Emily: Were obsessed with The Hunger Games.Hannah: I think they might know that by now.Emily: Aiken tell us that, softball is the hardest sport because its hard to hit a moving object with another moving object.Vhat ks an interesting story about your head coach?Morgan: Our coach killed one of his cats with the garage door on accident. Its just really funny. We just laugh about it all thetime. He has a bunch of cats.Bailey: He now has 2 cats, named Phineus and Ferb. One time he accidently left his window open and they ran away forlike 3 weeks. And he couldnt find them and one day they just crawled back through the window like fatter and bigger thanwhen they left. So then he set a vet appointment for them, and then lost them again the day before the vet appointment. Hedoesnt have very good luck with cats.He also really hates dogs, and I got a new puppy for Christmas. So we printed out 100 pictures of my puppy and we hid themin his classroom. And hes currently only found 40. So there are still 60 left hidden in his classroom that he still has to find.So its gonna be years from now and hes gonna still be finding them.tell us that, softball is the hardestspowbecause its hard to hit a movingobject with another moving object.44oach killed one of hiswith the garage door onaccident. Its just really funny.We just laugh about it all thetime. He has a bunch of cats.^Hhe^lidiscussions overnger Games. |
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Bloomington High School North |
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