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o0powerfulThe Suicide SauceThree years ago, while the boys tennis team was celebrating atBuffa Louies after a match, the seniors at the time came up withthe idea to mix together all the wing sauces and fountain beverages and have someone drink the concoction. Thus, the saucewas born.First, the boys begin by filling a regular drinking cup halfwaywith a suicide — a mixture of all of the fountain beveragesoffered. Then, they begin to add all the wing sauces: volcano,hot, mild, teriyaki, sweet barbeque, etc. Finally they add extraamenities such as ketchup, ranch and cheese sauce. Occasionally,a few wing bones will get thrown into the mix to add even moreflavor.It starts to bubble and turn orange, senior Eric Dybvig said ashe described the process of creating the sauce.After this years brew was blended, the team then tried to con-The sgrye of senior Ian Leonard takes practice to perfect. In practice, I3size stepping into the ball to get the maximum power, LeonardMentally I envision hitting a solid ball, and it helps when I transitioninto a match. The average speed of Leonards serve is 90-95 mph.At a football game, junior Kali Ireland is lifted up by sophomores AnnaDavid and Caitlyn Bruner. Ireland said the team has come a long waywith no seniors this year. We are still able to compete even with a youngteam, both mentally and physically, Ireland said.During a scrimmage with North graduates, senior Sam Swihart, sophomore Ezra Dehner and freshman Vince DiPrimio try to play with thesame power they use in regular season games. Swihart used the alumnigame to get ready for the season and thinks the team played very welltogether for their first full-length game. It got me mentally prepared fortougher opponents, Swihart said.Senior Sean Bobay reactsto drinking the sauce.vince senior Sean Bobay to drink it. According to Dybvig, Bobayusually does drink it but needs water before and after to washit down.He is usually the only one with the guts to drink it, Dybvigsaid of Bobay.Bobay began drinking the sauce a couple of years ago whenthe seniors on the team told him that if he starts losing his tennismatches that he will have to drink the sauce.It was motivation for me to win, Bobay said.However, Bobay isnt the only one who has been brave enoughto try it. Sophomore Benton Huang has been daring enough totry the sauce twice.It tastes like everything. I cant even swallow it, Huang said. Itnever leaves your JustinaGrantn fall sports n 93 □ |
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Bloomington High School North |
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