Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2008, Page 52

Description: Ending Early | Junior outside hitterAphten Goldman tips the bail over thenet during the sectional match againstColumbus East. The fifth-ranked Olympians defeated North in three games,ending Norths season. I know wecould have gone father, Goldman said.On the Rebound | Senior BrittanyMcCallum and junior Annie Philippsencheer for their teammates. The tapeon McCallums hands was becauseshe broke her finger during preseason two-a-days. McCallum cameback to play two weeks after surgery.LookingBackNorth Scoresvs. Brownstown Central L 0-3at Columbus East Invite 3rd placeat Columbus North L 0-3vs. Seymour W 3-2vs. Mooresville W 3-1at South LO-3vs. Pike LO-3vs. Perry Meridian L 0-3at Franklin Community W 3-2at Harrision Invite 9th placeat Franklin Central L 2-3vs. Terre Haute North L 0-3vs. Jefferson Invite 11th placeat Martinsville Invite 3rd placeat Owen Valley L 1-3at Edgewood W3-0vs. Southport W 3-0at Center Grove L 0-3at Lawrence Central L 0-3at Bedford North Lawrence L 0-3sectionalsColumbus East L 0-3It Runs in the Family | Senior Hayley Chrzastowski gathers the teamfor a cheer after scoring againstTerre Haute North. Chrzastowskisaid that one of her favorite traditions is when everyone holds up onefinger when there is just one pointleft. Everyone, even the parentsget really into it, Chrzastowski said.521 Volleyball
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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