Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2006, Page 16

Description: Senior David Whitaker and juniorBen Notess hang out withEvangelical Community Churchyouth pastor, Doug Varella, while inMississippi over Spring Break.North sophomore, Tom Calvert-Rosenberger, and south sophomore,Zane Gaylan, help put togethersupplies for the people devestatedby Hurricane Katrina in Mississippi.Thebestpartwashelpingpeople.-Clay Johnson, sophomoreCourtesy PhotoOver Spring Break several Bloomington areachurches including, Sherwood Oaks ChristianChurch, Evangelical Community Church, andFirst Christian Church all headed South toMississippi to help rebuild homes for victims ofHurricane Katrina. First Christian Church andEvangelical Community Church both went downtogether to Gulfport, Mississippi, while SherwoodOaks Christian Church went to Pascagoula,Mississippi. These churches include membersfrom North, South, and many other schools,chaperone volunteers, and youth leaders from thechurches.The members of these churches traveled about800 miles and 13 hours to Mississippi to helpout other people. The students from North lookedat this as an opportunity to sacrifice themselvesto help people while having fun.I felt it (was) wrong to spend my Spring Breakon the beach when I could be helping otherpeople, sophomore Hannah Kinkead said.The students knew the people had losteverything and felt for them. They were surprisedby the determination and perseverance of thosethey had come to help.It was sad to see how everyone had losteverything, but it was amazing how everyonehelped each other, sophomore Jackie Street said.Not only did they help rebuild the homes ofthe people that had lost everything, but they alsohelped clean up. They moved various types ofdebris off of the properties. They also helped togive out food and cleaning supplies and helpedto lay floors and roofs. The people that went saidthat it was very rewarding and that they all had agood time.The most rewarding part of the trip was thelast night when we had a cook out with the manypeople that we helped throughout the week.Everyone had a good time, and Im glad I went,sophomore Tom Calvert-Rosenberger said.A major excitement for the students was howgenerous, happy, and kind all the victims ofHurricane Katrina were after all the devastationand hardships they have been going through.Everyone was so happy to see us there and itwas nice to see all the hope and faith they hadfor the future, Street said.Story by Spencer Ferenczy and Callie ElmoreSpring Cleaning16 Spring Break
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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