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Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2006, Page 15

Description: LOTS of IdolsStory by Krista Spore and Kristen MelwidFor many seniors going away to camp with morethan 60 fifth-grade students may fell like a 72-hour babysitting job. The fifth graders, however,idolize the LOTS seniors at to camp.As any fifth-grade teacher will proclaim, theirstudents want to dress, talk, and act like theseniors by the end of the week.The fifth graders feel excited and privilegedto be able to hang out with their role models,Holly Taylor of Marlin Elementary said.By the end of the three-day learning experience,both the LOTS seniors and the elementary schoolcampers come back with many stories. SeniorAbby Browne was a counselor for the students atMarlin and Unionville elementary schools.It was fun to be in the counselor positionsince I remembered my experiences as a fifthgrader, and I loved Bradford Woods bothtimes, Browne said.The summer before their senior year, theLOTS counselors spend two nights at BradfordWoods at an training camp. The seniors learnsongs, games, and rules to teach fifth gradersat camp. While some seniors enjoyed thecounselors camp during the summer, othersfound their experiences with the fifth gradecampers more fun.We stayed up all night doing each others hairand talking, Browne said.Spending time with the elementary studentstakes the seniors down memory lane toremember how they acted in the fifth grade.The rap songs that were sung and the dancemoves that were performed were a lot differentthan when I was in fifth grade, Browne said.Although the singing and dancing has changed,the myths of Bradford Woods have remained thesame throughout the years. The haunted mansionremains one of the most-popular myths thecounselors like to tell the campers.Along with watching 5thgraders and being inthe wilderness, LOTS is a great opportunity toembrace new characteristics.LOTS was an great learning expierence, ittaught me responsibility and helped me deal withkids, Browne said. That was my goal becauseI want to be a teacher when I am older. I suggestit to all incoming seniors.UItthebesttime.-Emily Chron, senior9?Seniors Faye Vandeventer and LoriWhitaker try to pop balloons bysitting on them. Whitaker iscovering her ears to prevent a loudsound from scaring her.Seniors Sarah Whiteman andAlex Acres blow up balloons toprepare for another activityfor their week of training.LOTS 15
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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